The country of Iran is gateway to the most spectacular sea shores, mountain range and intact nature. Iran visa can be a ticket to exploring intriguing sites in various domains and cities and witness the gradual development growth in many cities and urban sites of this middle eastern country. Travel to Iran will expose you to not only unbelievable imagery of oriental, but also will show you the business as well as educational opportunities. In addition to all these, the opportunity to invest in one of the active and flourishing business sectors in Iran is tempting if you consider all the distinctive features in rising industry of tech industry. Even if you have the barrier of finance in your mind, we tell you that the Good news is you don’t need to worry that much. Financial transfer is possible through incorporates that offer LC services, for instance Hamburg-based Iranian-European Bank is a direct route for those who want to have secure investment in Iran.
If you are among this group of people then this question may revolves in your head “What is the best solution for back and forth short-term residency in Iran?” the answer to this question follows many justifications, so that you acquire certainty about your choice. We provide more in-depth information in the following paragraphs of articles.
A Deeper look at the share of urbanization In Iran
Let’s break the chain of those stereotypes that you have had in your imaginations about the rate of development in Iran and its major cities. This is not anyone’s fault since many are only exposed to either locals or inaccurate source of information. Therefore, they have untrue imagination in their head when they want to conceptualize the face of Iran. Just take a look at the statistics below:
Iran in 1960 had the urban population of 33.735 form the 55 years ago this rate has had exponential rate. In 2017 this rate hit the 74.394 mark showing that both urban growth and construction has exploded specially in cities like Tehran. This is an indicator that Tehran and other cities of Iran have high potential for futurist plans expansion, as you can see in the chart below:

If you aren’t convinced yet just see this chart. From the comparison on this diagram it is evident that Iran is pacing if not out pacing the wave of construction in the higher income countries.
The graph below shows that Iranian are seeking urban life as much as other countries. With a quick calculation you see that as long as there is high demand the flow of construction if not steadily but progressively will progress.

The outlook of urban development in Iran
The chart below is another evidence for the unimaginable growth of Tehran and other cities. This growth and expansion will put Iran in less centralized direction. Realistically the hot market of real estate will be southern cities such as Bushehr and islands such as Kish and Qeshm for sure.

Renting index in Tehran-the Influencing factors in the real estate market in Iran
There have been stagnation in housing market of Iran, this has various causes, one of them is the extended real estate loan. The stagnation has both downside for the perspective buyers and benefits for the developers. on one side renters have to deal with this outrageous pricing. On the other hand, as long as there is a barrier on the way of buying and selling, the investor often is in a win-win situation.
The rebound answer for this current situation was an automatic rise in the pricing rate of apartments. In the last five years this market has gone through runaway inflation, consequently renting apartment in Tehran has had 60% increase. As you can see the index of renting apartment in Tehran is depicted below.
In the chart below the green line shows the ascending price of rentals and the blue line shows the exponential price rate of purchasing an apartment in Tehran.

The authorities endeavored to solve this problem by allocating the task to eastern mass market developers. These developers have had more complex impact on the outgrow of this market. Two current proposed models for this problem are mass construction and block modeling. This is an upsetting plan because the demand of contemporary people lies somewhere else.
The side impact of stagnation on the hotels in Iran
35 percent of the yearly revenue of each hotel in Iran directly goes to the tax payment. Considering the inflation rate in this country the price range of hotels changes so that the adjustment is done via concurrent economic circumstances. Beside this you are obliged to pay extra tax fees for the services you receive while you are residing in a hotel room in Tehran.
A reversing current against the uprising price of apartments in Tehran: a fine solution
The price range of furnished apartment in Iran goes under less quivering alterations since its pricing is in line with worldwide trends. The tax payment for furnished apartment goes though different procedure, each unit has yearly payment to the municipality and the total payment has no direct relation with the tenants or ongoing users. Think about it this is a great benefit for diplomats, occasional visitor and those who seek a longer stay in Iran. You don’t have any direct role for the ultimate legislative payments of an apartment and rental flat in Tehran.